Ben Afflecks Next Big Role In The DCEU Depends On Jared Leto

Ben Affleck had clearly been sidelined by the DCEU when they decided to bring Robert Pattison’s Batman into their manifold. But regarding Joker, they only have Jared Leto as of now. Leto recently made an announcement that might or might not hint towards Ben Affleck’s return to the DCEU.

Jared Leto’s Joker made a return in Zack Snyder’s ‘Justice League‘, which enticed the fans as much as it confused them. It was a small role and he was there just for a scene, but his banter with Ben Affleck’s Batman got the ball rolling once again about Jared’s return to the DCEU. The fans saw Leto as the Joker only once in David Ayer’s ‘Suicide Squad‘. Heath Ledger, the Joker before Leto, had set the bar so high that Leto’s Joker was mocked and ridiculed. But the more rational legion of fans was somewhat kinder to Leto’s rendition of the iconic character from the DC comics. DC execs must have thought the same when they allowed Leto to be back as Joker in ZSJL. But that small cameo began another row of discussion about whether Jared would return as the Joker in DCEU. Jared Leto has said it, and being true to himself, he said something that crushed the hopes of his fans.

Highlights â€"
  • Jared Leto’s Joker returning opposite Ben Affleck’s Batman
  • Jared Leto vs Ben Affleck
  • Apparently, people liked the Gangster-esque Joker in ZSJL, and hence, the fans wanted to see more of this Joker, as envisioned by Zack Snyder. At different points in time, Jared Leto was constantly being negotiated to make a return to the DCEU, in films and TV shows, but nothing fruitful came out of those discussions. Things became even more difficult for him following the ‘near perfect’ Oscar-winning performance by Joaquin Phoenix as the Joker. Sandwiched between Heath and Joaquin’s Joker, both Academy winning roles, Leto’s Joker faced the brunt of a film that wasn’t received well critically or commercially. Even then, people never stopped talking about Leto’s Joker that kept him alive in conversations regarding the future of the DC.

    JARED LETO’S JOKER RETURNING OPPOSITE BEN AFFLECK’S BATMAN Ben Affleck's next big role in the DCEU depends all on Jared LetoBen Affleck’s next big role in the DCEU depends all on Jared Leto

    Now, the DC Universe can’t let Joker be a character that they don’t do anything with. This character is their one ace of spade. Hence, it will be impossible to keep Joker out of the films. But since Joaquin Phoenix is unlikely to be a part of DCEU, as the Joker, things seem furthermore complicated. Now, DC only has Jared as their Joker, but Jared isn’t an easy guy to convince. More so after recent reports that Jared only wants to do a Joker if the Batman is Ben Affleck. This might sound like it’s coming out of sheer camaraderie between the two actors, but it’s much more than that. The extra scene in Zack Snyder’s ‘Justice League’ was so good that it made the fans wonder if that back and forth of words could lead to something interesting in the DCEU.


    But that further complicates the matter instead of solving it. Ben Affleck has almost exited from the DCEU, and it’s highly unlikely that he will be returning to play the caped crusader. The clown prince of crime, Joker, on the other hand, is still not renewed and Leto remains the default DCEU Joker. It will be interesting to see if the DC takes a u-turn and brings Ben and Jared to face each other while swallowing their pride. We can safely assume that Ben Affleck’s return to the DCEU is solely dependent on how much DC wants Jared’s Joker to feature in their films.

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    Video Credits: The Movie Library

    Meanwhile, Sam Raimi’s Batman film is ready to release with Robert Pattison playing the Batman. So in a way, it’s an official goodbye to Ben Affleck. Let’s see how Jared Leto behaves when someone asks him again whether he would be playing the Joker in the DCEU.

    Tell us which is your best rendition of the iconic DC character. Also, tell us your take on Jared Leto vs Ben Affleck in a solo Batman movie.

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