Election Day 2021 results live Republican Glenn Youngkin defeats McAuliffe in Virginia governors race

Related video: Election day in Virginia: Your guide to voting

Republican business executive Glenn Youngkin has defeated Democrat Terry McAuliffe, who sought a return to the office he left four years ago, in a tight race for Virginia’s next governor.

While analysts predicted a Republican victory and early polling showed the race effectively tied, Virginia Senator Tim Kaine, a former governor of the state, told The Independent that he predicted a narrow win for Mr McAuliffe and that early votes cast before election day will be the deciding factor.

Mr McAuliffe has been trying to link Mr Youngkin to former President Donald Trump, hoping Democrats’ dislike for Mr Trump will motivate them to go to the polls. Mr Youngkin has been focusing on how racial inequality is taught in school as school boards have become a hotbed of partisan rancour in Virginia.

Both parties are looking at the race as a bellwether and will be looking for clues about how next year’s midterm elections might pan out.

Democratic Governor Phil Murphy is running for reelection in New Jersey against Republican challenger Jack Ciattarelli. Polls have revealed that Mr Murphy is ahead, but analysts have also suggested dropping approval ratings for President Joe Biden in the largely Democratic state could have an impact.

In New York City, Democratic candidate Eric Adams â€" a former police captain and Brooklyn borough president â€" has defeated long-shot GOP candidate Curtis Sliwa in the race for the city’s next mayor, who faces a major test in leading the city out from a defining public health crisis.

Mayors will also be elected in Atlanta, Boston, Miami, and Buffalo, New York, where democratic socialist candidate India Walton is mounting an uphill campaign against the incumbent mayor.

Show latest update 1635914579Republican Glenn Youngkin wins election for governor in Virginia

Democratic candidate Terry McAuliffe has been defeated by Republican Glenn Youngkin in the race for Virginia’s next governor, according to a race call from The Associated Press.

Alex Woodward3 November 2021 04:421635913739Seattle mayor’s race: Bruce Harrell says ‘history in the making’ as he takes 30% lead over rival Lorena González

The man who would be Seattle’s first Asian-American mayor has claimed this is “history in the making” as he surged to a 30 per cent lead over his rival.

Bruce Harrell, 64, a former president of the city council and whose mother, originally from Japan, was interned during World World Two, appeared before supporters, as early results placed him more than 30 points head of Lorena González.

“Standing with my family by my side…I just want to say we’re going to bring Seattle back,” he said.

The Independent’s Andrew Buncombe has more:

Alex Woodward3 November 2021 04:281635910556Election night’s message is that Joe Biden needs a big win on Capitol Hill â€" and he needs it now

Terry McAuliffe and his team will have plenty of time to ponder what they did wrong in Virginia, how they allowed Republican Glenn Youngkin to exploit an issue and lie about it, playing the coded race card in the same way as Richard Nixon used to to across the southern states, and getting away with it.

They will have time to consider whether McAuliffe, a never-thrilling 64-year-old white man, who previously served as governor, was the best candidate, and whether a woman, particularly a Black woman, would have generated greater enthusiasm among voters.

Democrats might have done badly regardless of who the candidate was; elections in “off” years do not always point to the future.

What appears beyond doubt, however, is that if Democrats had a better story to tell to voters, a story of bills passed on Capitol Bill, and signed into law by Joe Biden, they would have fared better.

Instead, as Virginia Republicans prepared to party in Richmond, and Donald Trump, typically, sought to claim credit, Democrats were left picking through the wreckage of how McAuliffe had allowed Youngkin to seize on the issue of critical race theory, and claim, falsely in most cases, that it was being taught in elementary schools and that parents had no say in the matter.

The Independent’s Andrew Buncombe has more:

Alex Woodward3 November 2021 03:351635908800Democrats shudder as McAuliffe appears headed for defeat in Virginia in key race for Biden

The Virginia governor’s race concluded on Tuesday with Republican Glenn Youngkin on track to win a resounding victory that sent a chill through Democrats in Washington.

Before the results were even called by the major networks, Democrats and Republicans on Capitol Hill were already gaming out what the results would mean for 2022.

Terry McAuliffe, the state’s former governor, was down by roughly 115,000 votes as of 10.15 p.m. local time around when he took the stage at a watch party in Tyson’s Corner attended by hundreds in the meeting area of the McClean Hilton.

“We’re going to continue to count the votes,” he told cheering supporters, noting that roughly 18 per cent of the vote remained uncounted.

The Independent’s John Bowden reports from Virginia:

Alex Woodward3 November 2021 03:061635908738Boston elects first-ever woman and Asian American mayor

Michelle Wu will be Boston’s next mayor, according to projections from The Associated Press.

She will be the city’s first-ever woman and the first-ever Asian American to lead the city.

Alex Woodward3 November 2021 03:051635907883Meet the man who will oversee Trump’s cases in New York

Alvin Bragg has won the race for New York district attorney, according to projections from The Associated Press. He will be the first Black man to hold the job.

He will enter office on 1 January in a role currently held by Cyrus Vance Jr, who is retiring after a final term in which he prosecuted Harvey Weinstein for rape and brought tax evasion charges against the Trump Organization and its longtime chief Allen Weisselberg.

Mr Bragg, a civil rights attorney and former federal prosecutor, previously helped oversee a lawsuit that led to the closure of Mr Trump’s foundation over allegations that he used the nonprofit to further his political and business interests.

Alex Woodward3 November 2021 02:511635906472Curtis Sliwa concedes in NYC mayor’s race

GOP candidate for New York mayor Curtis Sliwa has conceded in his election night speech.

“I am pledging my support to the new mayor Eric Adams because we’re all going to have to coalesce together in harmony and solidarity if we’re going to save this city that we love,” he said.

Alex Woodward3 November 2021 02:271635905990Eric Adams elected New York City mayor

Eric Adams â€" a former New York City Police Department captain, state legislator and Brooklyn borough president â€" has been elected the city’s second-ever Black mayor.

The 110th mayor of New York inherits city leadership in the middle of a coronavirus pandemic that has upended life for millions of residents â€" including the city’s schools and its thousands of students â€" and he will steward the nation’s most expensive police force amid international demands for reform when he enters office on 1 January.

The Independent’s Alex Woodward reports:

Alex Woodward3 November 2021 02:191635905785The scene at Terry McAuliffe’s election night party

The Associated Press has not yet made the call in the Virginia governor’s race, though analysts are forecasting a likely victory for Republican candidate Glenn Youngkin â€" as well as GOP victories for the state’s attorney general and lieutenant governor in a sweep.


Alex Woodward3 November 2021 02:161635905248Minneapolis voters reject proposal to replace police

Minneapolis voters have rejected a ballot measure to replace the city’s police department with a public safety programme, coming 18 months after the murder of George Floyd that prompted international demands for reform.

The Independent’s Josh Marcus has more on the genesis of the proposal and what’s next:

Alex Woodward3 November 2021 02:07

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